Her Life Unscripted | Inspiration | Motivation | Women And Moms | Support And Encouragement | Anna Osborn |

15: Making Our Lives Sacred ~ with guest Dr. Lourdes Viado



Episode 15: Making Our Lives Sacred ~ with guest Dr. Lourdes Viado On today’s show I talk with the graceful Dr. Lourdes Viado, a psychologist and marriage and family therapist in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Lourdes works with women in helping them to rediscover part of themselves they have lost or forgotten, to reconnect with their wants, needs, feelings, and to recreate a new way of being in the world that is aligned with who they are and what matters most to them.  She has an amazing gift of helping women discover their own acceptance and compassion. Listen in to find out how we can each work to make our own lives sacred. You can follow Lourdes Viado and her work at www.lourdesviado.com Click here to access the juicy details in the episodes full show notes!