Holiday A Day

May 6, 2015 International No Diet Day and Hıdırellez



International No Diet Day - Started by Mary Even Young in 1992 as a response to society's fixation on thinness, ineffectual nature of diets and bullying. She intended the day to bring awareness to people that they should feel good about themselves and not try to live by society's standards. Originally in England it spread around the globe and while it may be used by restaurants and other food marketing companies to suggest indulging in food, it really is for people to feel comfortable with themselves and not be ashamed of how they look.   Hıdırellez - A holiday celebrated in Turkey and Syria, this is the start of the summer season. It commemorates the day when Hızır (Al-Khdir) and İlyas (Elijah) meet on earth. Hizir, symbolizing earth and Ilyas symbolizing water. A time that many will socialize and perform rituals where water and land meet. The celebration starts the night of the 5th and goes through to the 6th of May. Ref: