

If you're looking for a way to heal yourself from physical or emotional pain, but you're too afraid to go there, or if you'd like to learn trust your inner voice and find direction from within, listen in to today's guest, Sarah Angelides explain how you can lean into your growing pains and trust your intuition to guide you towards wellness.   On today's show, Sarah shares how her recovery from Lupus, which was diagnosed in 2012, lead to a Spiritual Awakening within her. Sarah has a master's degree in Counseling Art Therapy and she is also a facilitator for Soul Collage, a personal development and spiritual growth workshop that she runs in the St Louis area.   She also runs workshops that focus on supporting people in tuning into the wisdom of their inner guide, to bring about healing and transformation.  Listen in today and discover how you can use your intuition as a tool for wellness. Want show notes? Get'em here.