

Are you really living your passion and doing what you love? Or do you find yourself pushing through and trying to bulldoze your way past exhaustion? On today's show, Anna talks about giving yourself permission to slow down and live a life that you really love. The last movie for Anna's Movie Month is Sing. Today, she shares that what really stood out for her in the movie.  She talks about the characters who don't initially recognize their gifts and talents and how they eventually have to stand on the stage, own their passion and sing from their souls. She relates this to how many people limit their experiences in life, due to fear. Listen in today as Anna encourages you to turn away from fear, do what you love and love what you're doing. SHINE RETREAT FOR WOMEN, SEPT 29TH-OCT 1ST, 2017, WWW.SHINERETREATFORWOMEN.COM, DISCOUNTED RATE EXPIRES 3/31/17! Want show notes? Get'em here.