

Do you feel a pull towards being part of a community? Or would you like to know more about what this kind of support system entails? To find out, listen in to today's show, as Anna opens up the conversation around community, which has become quite a buzz word lately. Anna really wants you to slow down and have a conversation about what a tribe really is, what the tribe mentality is about, what it means to have a community and why you would need it. Listen in today and find out more about how you can really find the sense of connection and belonging that most of us crave. LINKS MENTIONED IN THE SHOW: Shine Retreat for Women, Sept 29th-Oct 1st, 2017    SHINE RETREAT FOR WOMEN, SEPT 29TH-OCT 1ST, 2017, WWW.SHINERETREATFORWOMEN.COM, DISCOUNTED RATE EXPIRES 3/31/17 Nicol Stolar-Peterson, Episode 09 Reach out to Nicol…old school….via phone…oh yay! 310 422 457 Nicol's Website: STOLAR Counseling and Consultation Seth Godin’s Ted Talk Want show notes? Get'em here.