Her Life Unscripted | Inspiration | Motivation | Women And Moms | Support And Encouragement | Anna Osborn |

48: Maven, Mentors and Masterminds with Amber Hawley, LMFT & Dr. Maelisa Hall



The short and sweet of it! If you're interested in finding out still more about the idea community, listen in, as Anna continues through the month of March, highlighting the concept of community from all angles, including Masterminds, tribes, and villages. Join Anna and her two guests, Melissa and Amber and find out more about the amazing things that community can offer you, as women. Melissa Hall is a licensed psychologist from California. She has two businesses- a private practice, where she provides counseling for adults who struggle with ADHD and she does evaluations and career counseling. She also offers online services in this business, where she likes doing things differently and pushing the envelope and trying new strategies in the world of mental health. Her other business is online, to train therapists in how to make paperwork more manageable and less of a nightmare. Amber Holly is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She has a private practice in California, as well as two online businesses- C