

If you want to find out why women make such amazing leaders, you're going to love today's show, with Anna's guest, Pam Drzewiecki, a Business and Life Coach for professional women and female entrepreneurs. The short and sweet of it: Today, Pam and Anna discuss, amongst other things,  the 'cringe factor' that happens to a lot of women when they think about being a leader - we all know that women leaders tend to be more highly criticized than their male counterparts. Listen in today and find out what it actually means for women to own their power by being a feminine leader.  Pam has been on her journey since starting her business career in the Insurance Industry as a pool secretary in 1987. She moved through the ranks to become the Chief Operating Officer and Director of Marketing for one of the most successful Wealth Management Advisers in the company, who had over a billion dollars of insurance in force and ranked in the top forty in the history of the company.  Even with all of this, Pam felt a calling to do