

Is your home your haven? Or would you really love to create a space for yourself to feel warm and safe within your home? Remya Warrior, today's guest, was introduced to Anna by a mutual friend. With this month's theme being Creating Soft Landings, Anna instantly wanted to have her on the show, to share her story, her work and her passion with you. Listen in today as Remya talks about giving yourself permission and creating a sanctuary for yourself within your home, as a soft landing space and as a way to feel safe. Remya, who holds a Master's Degree in Interior Design, grew up in India. Although coming to America was a huge change for her and it was quite a process for her to find herself, she found that this was where she really bloomed. For the last fifteen years, she's been helping busy, professional women create a home that embraces them and that they really love coming home to. Links mentioned in this show: Remya's website: Remya Warrior on Facebook Remya Warrior on Linkedin For q