Her Life Unscripted | Inspiration | Motivation | Women And Moms | Support And Encouragement | Anna Osborn |

57: Softening Within with special guest Kelly Sheets - EXPLICIT



If you'd like to find out about how the way that you're affecting the results you get in your life, you're really going to enjoy today's show, with Kelly Sheets. About two years ago, when Anna started doing podcasts, she had some really amazing guests, however, she found that sound quality of the first few recordings was horrible, so she didn't put them out there. One of the people that she had interviewed was Kelly and when Anna reached out to her and explained what had happened, Kelly graciously offered to return to the show when Anna felt ready. So, Anna feels really honored to have Kelly back on the show today. She stresses the importance of looking at her topic for this month, Creating A Soft Landing, from all sides. She explains that a soft landing is a place that we go and it's also a place that we are. Listen in and find out how Kelly interprets a soft landing and how that connects with how she works with women on being, to get the results they want. Kelly is awesome and she has really great energy. S