

How often have you planned something, only to have your plans thwarted by some unforeseen occurrence? Anna points out that we're constantly learning lessons and the universe is constantly showing us that we're really not in control. This can be a hard lesson for some people. It was really hard for Anna when she found out that she has to move her office from the place that she's been really happy and where she managed to create the kind of sanctuary that makes both her and her clients feel safe and held. Through this, she discovered, contrary to what she used to think, that she really does not enjoy the change in her life. Yet, change is inevitable. Anna finds it almost incredible to see how the topics that she chooses for each month really tend to align with what's going on in her life. So, still talking about freedom, in the month of July, Anna is finding freedom from the expectation that she's going to change. Listen in to find out what she has to say. Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE! Her