

With the Shine Retreat fast approaching, and the promise of kiddos starting school in the fall, Anna realizes that seasons of transition and change are about to begin. It can be startling to know that life might be passing you by. Instead of facing change and transition, we tend to let it overcome and overwhelm us. When life seems to hand us more than we can manage, do we really have a choice to thrive? Anna’s conclusion? A resounding YES! We can make ourselves open to change and open to the lessons that life’s transitions can teach us. Is this change a positive one, or a negative one. Perhaps it’s all about how you let it define you. Let’s face it: you might be in a place right now you never wanted to be. Instead of feeling despair, be grateful to know that you have been presented with a choice to live wholeheartedly. Join Anna this week as she dives into a new month of embracing change and triumphing over transition! Her Life Unscripted Facebook Page, give it a LIKE!