

During this month of August, we are doing a series on choice, transition, and change. This topic is, as always, personally relevant to Anna and her current life situation. Most people tend to show up in the world in a way that is pulled together, with the right answer and a positive attitude, but Anna reminds you that this podcast is really about the exact opposite. It's about showing up just as you are, raw, unfiltered and unscripted. Listen in to find out more. Anna would love to say that she always shows up in a composed manner, however, the truth of it is that she can't. When she's in the throes of trying to figure something out, she has to show up being honest and transparent, because that's the whole point of this project. It is really all about coming together and owning the parts of yourself that are hurting and fragmented and being able to put words to that and to know that you're not alone.  When things happen to you, that are totally out of our control, you have to go through a period of putting wo