

Brain priming, neuro-pathways, reticular activating system, oh my!  If you’ve hung around me on social media for more than 2 minutes or are in my Epic Success tribe, then you’ve heard all of those things come out of my mouth in giddy excitement. It’s no secret that I totally geek out about the brain and am impassioned to help YOU create more epic success in your life and business with the power of your brain!  In addition to mastering our minds, it’s also so important to have a mentor to help us see our blind spots and become the best versions of ourselves. James Wedmore has been that mentor to me who helped me move my offline practice to the online world to YOU!  I had the privilege and pleasure to sit down with James as he interviewed me for his podcast, Mind Your Business. I really dive into neuro-hacking in this interview and give tangible action-steps that you can take today to create the success you desire. Get your pen and paper ready to take notes and start identifying the stories that are h