Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

The 5 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make and the Myths That Keep Them Stuck with James Wedmore



What if I told you that the hustle hard struggle of entrepreneurship is completely optional? That you could move past striving and start thriving? We weren’t trained to be entrepreneurs and our brain isn’t naturally wired for it. We were taught to study hard, get good grades, avoid failure at all costs, and take the route of least resistance in a career for 40 years until retirement. News flash: that is not how entrepreneurship works. In fact, those actions are exactly what keep so many entrepreneurs stuck and frustrated. Great news, though! You can train your brain for success and step into the Digital CEO you were created to be!  My friend and business coach, James Wedmore, joins me today on the Epic Success Podcast to teach you how to see entrepreneurship from the inside out! James trains Digital Entrepreneurs to market their business effectively and generate more revenue, all while reintroducing FUN into their business plans! As founder of his signature program Business by Design and his Mind Your Busines