Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Turn What You Already Know Into Extraordinary Success with Dean Graziozi



What are you obsessed with? Chances are, whatever it is you’re obsessed with, you also know a lot about it. You learn all there is about it, practice, research, read, experiment, do it in your spare time, and your eyes light up when someone asks you a question about it because you’re eager to engage in the conversation! Am I right? What is that thing for you? Bee-keeping? Cooking soul food? Knitting tiny newborn hats? The Enneagram? Co-parenting through divorce? That thing, no matter how quirky or normal it may feel, is pure gold! My guest today on the Epic Success Podcast, Dean Graziozi, has spent his life obsessed with sharing knowledge and helping others share their knowledge in a valuable way. I’m sure his name is no stranger to you as he has partnered with Tony Robbins, helping hundreds of thousands of people turn their obsessions into impact and success through their KBB program. Just a head’s up: you cannot listen to this interview on 2x because both Dean & I have unmatched energy (which is definit