Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Optimizing Your Brain’s Processing To Rewire Stress with Dr. Patrick Porter



Do you ever wonder what it would be like to eliminate the thoughts that are holding you back? To stop thinking negative and self-destructive and self-sabotaging thoughts.  To stop falling into overwhelm and procrastination. And not only get rid of those thoughts, but actually rewire your brain and rewire those thoughts for.good. And I’m here to tell you that you can! This week is the third week in our podcast series: The Brain Science of Success. I’ve invited some of my colleagues and leading doctors to come talk with you over the next few weeks about how to maximize the power of your brain to work for you - and not against you!  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with Dr. Patrick Porter about the intricate features and roles our brain plays in our day-to-day lives. Dr. Patrick Porter is an award-winning author, entrepreneur, and speaker. With 24 years of experience operating the largest self-help franchise, he has become a highly sought-after expert within the personal improvement ind