Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Mastering Your Emotions with Dr. Shannon Irvine



2020 has been a year unlike any other year.  And we collectively felt it… on a global level. When I say 2020, what thoughts pop in your head? What emotions come rushing in? For a lot of people, the thoughts and emotions aren’t positive. Things like dread, overwhelm, disappointment… It’s real and it’s genuine and it happens. In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk about how emotions are processed  in the brain and how you have the power to create your desired state of being! Once you learn how the emotions you feel play out as a result of your brain’s wiring, you are able to condition your brain to your advantage… instead of your brain working you.  If you’re ready to start creating your thoughts and emotions in the brain so that you can have the life you’ve been dreaming of, then turn up the volume and dive in! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   We should be evaluating every area of our lives on a quarterly basis.   As entrepreneurs, we are very motivated individuals. We u