Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Vision Brain Priming to Neurohack Your Goals with Dr. Shannon Irvine



Wow, with a new year at our fingertips, if you’re like me, it’s got you deep into thinking about and planning goals. What is your BIG Epic audacious goal for the new year? I would love to hear! One of my goals is to help a million entrepreneurs train their brain to transform their life and business through our trademarked NeuroCoaching Model️ AND one thousand NeuroCoaches️ certified to coach with the NeuroCoaching Model️!! My goal is to help YOU neurohack your vision so that you achieve your goals with purpose and ease. This week on the Epic Success podcast, I wanted to do something a little different and give you a sneak peek behind the scenes of my Insiders group. Every week, I go in there to do live coaching and answer questions that my Epic Success students have. It is an incredibly powerful time and one of the highlights of my week! In this episode you will hear a variety of questions from a variety of entrepreneurs… but they all have a common thread: vision. Throughout this session you will hear me add