Gotham Press

Episode 20 - An Awesomely Fiendish episode!



Hey GPP fans, thanks for coming back for our newest episode! Was Awesome a week late posting this? Yes he was. Should he be flogged for it? Some people would probably say yes. Is he sorry that he has left you all hanging? Oh yes he is! No need to fear though! He has been properly re-educated in the necessity of getting podcasts up on time and will not be slacking again any time in the near future! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Question/Poll results Facebook FetLife Nerd News Entertainment Games (Video, Board, Card, Etc) PokéMon Go Nintendo Stock Jumps 20% In a Day Thanks to Pokemon GO, Adds $7.5 Billion in Value in Two Days Movies Ghostbusters Queen of Katwe Tech Apple likely to sue the man who uploaded how to repair MacBook videos on YouTube Google Project Ara Books The Elements by Tom Jackson Kink News Dominatrix Accuses Airbnb Of Banning Her It Took More Than 30 Years - and a Divorce - for Me to Discover the Sexual Side of Mys