Bu With Declan Edwards

The Value of Daily Micro-Goals (30by30for30)



Not another goal-setting episode! Oh yes, this overdone topic is back for another round. However, it's coming back with a twist.  Rather than focusing on big goals that only end up leaving you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted we are exploring the concept of micro-goals. Too often people focus on giant leaps in their personal development when in reality it's the little steps adding up that make the world of difference. If you want to make big changes in your life, but you want to do it sustainably and one step at a time - then this is the episode for you. As always if you enjoyed this episode you can help us work towards our vision of "growing global wellbeing, one mind at a time" by simply REVIEWING, SHARING & SUBSCRIBING to this podcast. Find out more about YOUR happiness by completing your FREE Happiness Scorecard at www.happinessscorecard.com.au Begin growing your happiness by attending our FREE online masterclass; Hacking Happiness: https://www.bucoaching.org/hacking-happiness/ You can also find