Bu With Declan Edwards

A Firsthand Insight Into Over 4 Years of Growth with BU Member Kaitlin Pell



When we first connected with Kaitlin Pell it was during the Port Macquarie stop of our Finding Emotional Freedom Tour. In that chapter of her life, Kaitlin was struggling to manage her mind and her emotions and she was blaming the world for it. In an on-the-spot decision that would end up shaping her development for years to come Kaitlin decided to trust her gut instinct, take action on the green light decision that equally scared and excited her, and enrol into the Happiness College at BU. Now, years later, Kaitlin is absolutely thriving. She continues to grow, develop, learn and expand with every passing month and she is a fantastic example of just how much your happiness can change when you choose to prioritise it. If you've listened to the show for a while and wondered whether or not the Happiness College is right for you then this is a fantastic episode to listen to. As always if you enjoyed this episode you can help us work towards our vision of "growing global wellbeing, one mind at a time" by simply R