Stanford Brown's Market Insights

Balancing Retirement and Helping Your Adult Kids



Welcome to Stanford Brown’s SB Talks podcast where we explore the important elements of your financial world – from investments to strategy, from retirement planning to intergenerational wealth. In this episode our CEO Vincent O’Neill is speaking with Private Wealth Adviser Kirsten Lynn about balancing your own retirement and helping your adult kids, the topic of her recently released white paper. In this podcast we discuss: Putting your own retirement first and planning for aged care for peace of mind, even if you want to remain in your home in your later years Thinking about the bigger picture of what is important to you and to your children, so that your well-intentioned assistance does not miss the mark Considering the four potential transition points for wealth Helping your children to buy property, buying property for your children or buying property with your children Funding financial advice, insurance or estate planning advice for your children for their benefit and your own Thinking beyond purely f