The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 515: 8 Clinically Proven Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System In The Age Of COVID-19



The immune system is a complex key player in our overall health. Our immune system is an intricate network of biological processes and organs that work constantly to protect us from harmful bacteria and viruses. And now more than ever, we need our defense systems to be strong.   Despite the complexity of the immune system, there are a multitude of basic, fundamental health habits that can strengthen its efficiency. On today’s show, we’re going to highlight eight clinically proven ways you can fortify your immune system. You’re going to hear about how certain health habits are connected to immune health and COVID-19 outcomes.  You’re going to learn about how sleep and melatonin can affect immune health, the importance of foundational habits like drinking water and exercising, and so much more. As always, we’ll be diving into recent studies as well as uncovering real, simple tips you can implement. So listen in, take good notes, and enjoy the show!  In this episode you’ll discover: The striking connection betw