Rtds / Listen Up Talk

MOTM Vol 51 CARMA SPENCE Life Coach Feb 11 2015



Carma Spence, The Own Your Awesome in Business and Life Coach, is fiercely committed to guiding women entrepreneurs to achieve confidence, clarity and self-awareness so they can have the creative, authentic and profitable business they dream of and live the life they deserve. She joins Dr. Peter Sacco and Todd Miller tonight on “Matters Of The Mind” to talk about the Law of Attraction, having a successful ‘money mind’, and having the rewarding life you deserve! With 20+ years experience in marketing communications and public relations, natural intuitive skills and certification in using some of the most effective transformational coaching tools available, my mission and commitment is to unleash the inner power every woman entrepreneur possesses so they can boldly go out into the world, transforming the fabric of people’s lives in meaningful and positive ways. An award-winning editor with more than 20 years experience in marketing, public relations and science communication, Carma is a multi-dimensional ent