Rtds / Listen Up Talk

A Cup Of Salvation - Lemon Pies Excerpt (Produced)



I was born and raised in Corner Brook , Nfld. Grew up in a small bungalow next to a brook in a valley , surrounded by trees and granite, animals, fields and mayhem. Therefore because of that bounty I assume a strong thread with nature somehow seeped into me. Lots of fun and time outdoors ...from a family of 12... ( probably that is why all the time outdoors.) And plenty of life unfolded via treasures and thorns up and down and all around the road that I lived on. Which I still am called back to. All of this plus family and friends would have contributed ideas, murmurs and gifts to my poetry and stories that I started into about fifteen years ago. And I am fortunate to be still opening and listening to and attempting to sculpt those worlds into words today. I am in the process of publishing my first book of poetry, Wooden Bridges and Other Realms. Also am working on a book of short stories and a full length book, ( Lemon Pies. ) It is creative nonfiction and deals with growing up in Nfld as an eigh