Remodeling Mastery By Mark Richardson

Questions & Thought Leader Interview with Erika Taylor



If you’re looking to grow your business or carry it through an economic downturn, few things are as valuable as understanding consumer behavior and learning from the experience of other successful remodelers. We’ve got both in this episode of Remodeling Mastery. Don’t miss out! In this episode: (0:55) In This Episode: Questions A lot of times we're moving along so fast and so furious, that we don't spend enough time thinking about things as opposed to doing things. In this episode of Remodeling Mastery, Mark explains the importance of asking yourself the right questions. Good questions allow you to reflect on subjects and come up with new ideas and perspectives. Tune in to find out the 7 questions you should be asking yourself to help you focus and work more effectively. (9:34) Thought Leader Interview with Erika Taylor, Director of Content for Professional Remodeler Erika Taylor is the chief of content for one of the top construction and remodeling trade publications in the country. She joins Mark today