Remodeling Mastery By Mark Richardson

Why Home Remodeling Has Become Popular Right Now



Thank you for listening to Remodeling Mastery! Subscribe now and keep up with our newest episodes by looking for Remodeling Mastery at your favorite podcast app. Mark Richardson opines that 80% of the reason there’s increased interest in home remodeling is because of the current environment and dynamic created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Part 1. Homeowners and Their Current Situation. With homeowners now spending most of their time indoors, they are more likely to notice the things that are wrong inside their home. This is the opposite compared to months ago, when everyone is too busy to make remodeling a priority. Now that they have more time in their hands, this also means they are free to research and pursue their remodeling goals. You’ll notice this by the amount of online search traffic. What’s more, remodeling gives homeowners something to be excited about, something to spend their time and energy on. This active mindset makes them more likely to pick up the phone and call their local remodeler. The