Remodeling Mastery By Mark Richardson

World Class 11s + Interview with Tony Mancini, Group Director of SG Horizon



Part 1. World-Class One-on-One Meetings While the COVID-19 situation has made considerable changes in the work environment, there’s one factor that remains important whether or not there’s a pandemic: one-on-one meetings with your key rapports. For Mark Richardson, meetings ARE the job. “It’s not the doing of the work,” he says. “The meetings are a vehicle to get the work done…to grow ideas, grow the business, [and] to grow the people within the business.” Mark puts emphasis on creating world-class one-on-one meetings with your key team members. Here are the essentials: 1. A one-on-one meeting is a two-way street. 2. This type of meeting should always be a top priority--don’t skip them! Schedule at least one with a team member every week. 3. How and where you conduct the one-on-one meeting, plus its pace and context, are also crucial. 4. It’s not “one size fits all”. Personalize your one-on-one meetings in terms of length and structure. 5. One-on-one meetings are not only about the discussion, it’s also ab