Lucky Roland

go96 - Leah Ramage



Leah and I have been mates for a good while now. She is the weapon behind @leahsmark_illustration and a gangster eco ninja. This podcast has been a long time coming!!! We talked about, well, pretty much all the things. I got very very close to being swung at by a stranger recently for stepping between him and a woman he was abusing, we talked about that. Surf rage, gender, being “busy”, climate change, the pill... it was such a fun ramble! We didn’t plan it, but a big part of what made this recording special was talking about mental health. Being diagnosed with depression was probably the most catalytic experience of my life. It forced me to take responsibility for my happiness - to acknowledge how much of my quality of life is a choice - and it was cathartic to share moments of rock bottom (as it always it, right?!). Very grateful for this chat, thanks for the time and space lady.