Real World Ember

Ember Dreams: Michael Swanson at SkillsEngine



We talk matching skills with education and careers, our favorite Ember features and addons, the tension between increasing efficiency and reducing your bus number, learning Ember in the run up to 2.0, and why tai chi desks are the way of the future. introducing Michael Swanson started off building marketing websites with wordpress/jQuery second career in software development with Javascript and EmberJS dark sordid past: 500-line jQuery files side hobbies: doing manual stuff like working out, woodworking, gardening introducing: the tai chi desk. A peaceful improvement to treadmill desks. SOMEONE, PLEASE MAKE THIS. SkillsEngine curated database of skills and occupations “get people better employed and better trained" helps people decide which skills to gain based on market demand there’s a mismatch between what industry wants and what schools typically teach helps identify modular skills that work between various jobs, letting job-seekers discover which positions they’re closest to being qualified f