Real World Ember

International Ember Upgrades: Matthias Leitner and Hector Zarco at Runtastic



We talk about upgrading Ember apps, transitions from Rails to Ember, running a multinational team from Austria, and handling performance on mobile. Runtastic Hector and Matthias here with us today located in Linz Austria- 3rd largest city in Austria International team- they’ve got HQs in Linz and Vienna, employ people in 25 different countries Some people join specifically so they can write Ember code Going to Ember They first started using Ember in 2012 Started by integrating them into existing Ruby on Rails application to replace jQuery code Slowly switching to more Ember-only apps with ember-cli Had to do a big rewrite in the past before Ember due to adding features without thought (The Startup Story) Multiple Ember apps Because they “sprinkled in” Ember at first, they have more separate Ember apps than they want and are wanting to merge several together. They bundle the vendor for all their Ember apps separately so that it can be cached- save download time for users. They can deploy each Ember app