Real World Ember

Test Or Catch Fire: Chris Bonser at Khorus



We discuss transitioning from Rails to Ember, how Khorus is improving transparency and communication within teams, and how testing is used when failure states including catching on fire. Chris Bonser- before Ember Programming professionally for 11 years Started out with Electrical Engineering/hardware Learned Ruby by building test equipment We heard you like tests, so we’re testing the code that tests the equipment that tests the microchips Stuff could literally catch on fire, something which actually happened while he was in the factory Ember Been doing Ember about 2 years Started at Khorus right after they had chosen Ember Went to Khorus partly because they were using Ember (Employers, take note) Khorus chose Ember because it was well-liked amongst Rails devs Transitioning from Rails to Ember The transition was difficult because Ember (and especially Ember Data) were in flux, and acceptance testing was difficult Many of those troubles have gone away, and acceptance testing is easier The world doesn’