Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 38 - Nicole White MBA, RD, CSSD, LDN



  Conversation 38: The Story, Journey and Passion of Nicole White, MBA, RD, CSSD, LDN “If it’s not a good fit; if it’s the work environment, if it’s your boss, it it’s you, if it’s the people you work with, whatever it is, then you shouldn’t have to be unhappy. Work should be, what I believe, and I know not everyone get’s this luxury, something fun. That’s why I like it so much here (University of Iowa). I just get to come and do different things everyday and interact with so many different people. ” - Nicole White, MBA, RD, CSSD, LDN My conversation today is with Registered Dietitian, Nicole White In the past year, the University of Iowa’s Department of Intercollegiate Athletics hired a Registered Dietitian to be their Director of Sports Nutrition. Sports Nutrition is quickly becoming a popular job opportunity for Registered Dietitians and working with all types of college athletes. So, I was very excited when I reached out to Nicole and she agreed to be a part of this podcast. Nicole shared some great infor