Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 46 - Pat Hoffmann, Owner of Lonely Oak Distillery



Conversation 46:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Pat Hoffmann, Owner of Lonely Oak Distillery “Sometimes, you just try too hard. Sometimes, you have to let it find you. That’s what I am finding. You can search and search and search and then don’t second guess yourself. You just have to recognize, you know, what I’ve got and this is it.” -Pat Hoffmann My conversation today is with Pat Hoffmann, the owner of Lonely Oak Distillery I come from middle America, small town Iowa. And my small town, I mean small, around 200 people is surrounded by a number of similar small towns. There are many great people that come out of this tiny pocket of Iowa and I get very excited when people from there are doing great things. Pat Hoffmann, a fellow small town resident has started his own distillery, making craft spirits from the land he farms. My cocktail of choice almost always involves vodka and I was very intrigued by a delicious vodka coming from his business only a few miles away from my parents house. Pat, his wife Am