Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 58 - Sarah Dahms, RD-to-Be



Conversation 58:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Sarah Dahms, RD-to-Be “When I first started in dietetics, I had no idea what I wanted to be but I knew there were a bunch of different options I could choose from. I always kind of desired to be an entrepreneur, to have my own practice. However, now that I’m learning more and more I really like education and promoting nutrition education through social media platforms. I am excited and leaving the doors open, listening to everyone's stories.” - Sarah Dahms, RD-to-Be Today I am reconnecting with my student side and having a conversation today with RD-to-Be, Sarah Dahms. You all know by now how much I love dietetic students and interns that I want to stay in touch with that time in my life and be a mentor going through all the crazy that comes along with the beginnings of our profession. Sarah and I met through Instagram and I admire her for all she does as a busy RD-to-Be. She is VERY active in the student component of the Texas Academy of Nutrition and Diete