Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 60 - Monica Salafia, MS, RDN, CPT



Conversation 60:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Monica Salafia, MS, RDN, CPT “Who gets more nutrition questions than personal trainers? It is an unfortunate reality we are all facing (as dietitians). Right now, gyms and fitness studios and even wellness centers don’t really have Dietitians on staff which is one of my goals. It is my ultimate goal in life to make the “Fitness Dietitian” a thing. We have clinical, we have community, we have food service (as rotations in our internships). We need fitness, it needs to be a core thing.” - Monica Salafia, MS, RDN, CPT Today’s conversation is with Monica Salafia, a registered dietitian, personal trainer and side hustle guru. Monica was a registered dietitian who caught my eye on social media with first, her stellar meal planning skills and secondly, with adorable photos of her pets. Since she was a teenager she has always been interested in fitness and found herself lifting weights with her brothers. It was one of her brothers who suggested nutrition and dieteti