Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 65 - Dave Sherotski



Conversation 65:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Dave Sherotski “Nobody cooks anymore and it drives me insane! Cooking is relaxing, it’s easy. You can drink while you’re doing it. You can throw on some music, you can throw on a podcast or anything like that and you just go with it. For me, it’s awesome.” - Dave Sherotski Today’s conversation is with Dave Sherotski, whose favorite things are Food & Booze, Fitness, Fun, Friends, Family, Philly I think I may have a slight crush on my guest today because you should see his food photos he shares on Instagram and THEN you should read the witty captions. I started following Dave through other RD’s on this social media platform and knew by his second post, I would be a follower for life. Dave is creative in the kitchen and creative with his words, has always had a passion for cooking creatively since he was a kid cooking with his dad and grandpa because the women of his family refused to cook holiday dinners, has auditioned and competed for spots on a couple p