Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 66 - Sarah Menzel, RD2Be



Conversation 66:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Sarah Menzel, RD2Be “It’s easy to think - oh I want to do Pediatrics or I want to do Oncology (as a student) but you definitely need to get in that environment. There is also a lot of sadness, especially in Pediatric Oncology and you really need to hear the raw side of it to even see if you are comfortable in that environment. Job shadowing has been huge for me and Dietitians are the nicest people out there to job shadow with. ” - Sarah Menzel, RD2Be Today’s conversation is with Sarah Menzel, one of my first clients I worked with who diagnosed with celiac disease and who is now studying to be a Registered Dietitian. A little over 5 years ago, I remember high school Sarah and her mom coming to visit me at work because Sarah was newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease and were in need of help grocery shopping. I would have never guessed a few years later, Sarah would head off to Iowa State and decide to become a Registered Dietitian herself. I have enjoyed getting