Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 69 - Liz Dunn, MPH, RDN



Conversation 69:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Liz Dunn, MS, RD, LDN “I really loved science and thought I wanted to go into pharmacy research.  It was after my car accident, when I had my spinal cord injury, they said because I was in such good shape that helped me recover from the surgeries a lot better. It was then I thought prevention was a lot better, was what I was interested in and I started looking into dietetics. In my internship program, which was very clinically focused, we had about ½ a lecture on spinal cord injuries. Most people never learn anything about it, so I definitely want to spread the word.  ” - Liz Dunn, MPH, RDN Today’s conversation is with Liz Dunn, a registered dietitian with a passion for sports nutrition, being active and wheelchair rugby. This is another episode of where I sing the praises of Instagram and how it brings people together. I started following Liz last year and I remember the first photo of hers I saw. It was of her with holding her paper stating she had passed