Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 72 - Carrie Moody, RDN



Conversation 72:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Carrie Moody, RDN “I’ve always meal prepped. I have done it for years for myself and my family. I would pack (food) for my husband and send his meals to work with him and his co-workers would say - Can your wife cook for me, I’d pay her - and I would say no because I really don’t like to get into all of that and be in the kitchen that much.  So I decided to start teaching people how to do it. That way, I’ll give them the tools and show them exactly what I do and they can pay me for those services and can go on their way and do it themselves. ” - Carrie Moody, RDN Today’s conversation is Carrie Moody, a Registered Dietitian who teaches people to meal prep in their homes, is a Barre3 Fitness Instruction and is often found dancing in the kitchen. I am a fan of humor and Carrie was someone who made me laugh right from the start with her social media posts. I would see her beautiful meal prep photos, which drew me into watching more of her Instagram feed and gett