Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 73 - Dina D’Alessandro, RD



Conversation 73: The Story, Journey and Passion of Dina D’Alessandro, RD “You have to sometimes be uncomfortable in progressing. Not necessarily like, oh I’m going to go skydiving because I am afraid of heights, but just taking that moment to say this is a situation that makes me uncomfortable. Then I can prepare myself for another experience like that, a similar experience. Now, I am prepared and I have the tools and strategies to understand how to address it next time.” - Dina D’Alessandro, RDN Today’s conversation is with Dina D'Alessandro, a Registered Dietitian who is passionate about helping people embrace and develop new relationships with food in her own personal community. Dina is a human who inspires me from the other side of the country. I was excited to learn more about her on a professional and personal level during our conversation, which exceeded my expectations. Dina is the dietitian I am constantly striving to be. She is passionate about nutrition and food in her community, by volunteering he