Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 83 - Andrew Doherty, RDN



Conversation 83:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Andrew Doherty, RDN “Young dietitians that are just getting into the professional world, struggle with the idea that if you're not in a job title or role that says registered dietitian, then you’re not (practicing) your role. I don’t think that’s a good way to look at it because there are so many opportunities for someone who has a nutrition background and understanding of it that can promote healthy eating in numerous different ways. I just (practice) in a different way where I look at organizations as a whole .” - Andrew Doherty, RDN Today’s conversation is with Andrew Doherty, a registered dietitian who does not work in the traditional setting and enjoys sharing his simple but delicious life with food. A few years ago, I received a comment on Twitter from Andrew because we had an Iowa connection, so of course I had to start following him. I was immediately drawn to his witty banter and views from his own personal kitchen. Andrew and I talk about his non-t