Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 92 - Amy Myrdal Miller, RD



Conversation 92:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Amy Myrdal Miller, RD “I have done a lot of really uncomfortable things and have been really stressed at times. But I’ve had success (in my business) and that has allowed me to say yes to the next scary request or demand, in some cases. I keep building on that and keep refining where I use my time, passion and energy for things that are going to have the most impact.” - Amy Myrdal Miller, RD Today’s conversation is with Amy Myrdal Miller, a registered dietitian who through a variety of professional experiences, always comes back to her roots of being a farmer’s daughter. When I was at FNCE a few years ago, I had the privilege to be there on behalf of Kids Eat Right. On one of the days, I was assigned to work the KER booth, it was “Meet Your Farmer Day” with Amy being the featured farmer. I briefly was able to chat with her in between the numerous other conversations she was having. I was newer to FNCE and I knew Amy has made a path for herself in our profess