Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 97 - Andres Ayesta, MS, RD



Conversation 97:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Andres Ayesta, MS, RD “There are definitely areas of nutrition that are kind of gray because it goes against the grain of what we’ve always been taught. But I am open. What makes me different or unique as a dietitian is I always follow a neutral approach. I’m not a fanatic. I’m not a cult follower. I’m not a person that if I follow keto that is what I preach and push. Everybody has a different approach to health.” - Andres Ayesta, MS, RD Today’s conversation is with Andres Ayesta, a registered dietitian who fell into dietetics by chance and is currently specializing in nutrition education for athletes and running his own private practice. I was graciously introduced to Andres through Libby, a mutual dietitian friend, because of his very unique journey into the field of dietetics as well as his insane hustle and work ethic. Andres has had a winding road to becoming a dietitian but has the most sincere passion for our profession. What I enjoy most is his video