Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 110 - Jason Lau, BSc, RD



Conversation 108:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Jason Lau, BSc, RD “I am very happy I have able to find what I am passionate about.  I know people struggle with theirs and they go through 2 or 3 career changes and they still can’t find what they actually love. I know without one bit of doubt and say this is what I want to do forever and ever. I get so excited about it.”  Jason Lau, BSc, RD Today’s conversation is with Jason Lau, a registered dietitian who is an animal lover at heart who stumbled upon dietetics through a very personal discovery. In a world of the female domination of dietetics, I am always drawn to connecting with males who go into the field, to hear their story and journey. Jason and I connected through instagram through a few discussions about loving our work and finding the joy in what we do.  Jason shares his personal journey to dietetics and how he is using his story to help his patients as a clinical dietitian and the clients he sees in his own private practice. He also shares some