Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

#129 - Kim Rose, RDN, CDE



Conversation 129:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Kim Rose, RDN, CDE “It’s a way fo me to express my creativity because I have that scientific side but I also like art, colors and designing. I like creating. I think to have that balance, that’s where YouTube comes in for me. I can be all numbers, calculator, lab coat, pen and paper and glasses 24/7. I need to have creativity .”  Kim Rose, RDN, CDE Today’s conversation is with Kim Rose, registered dietitian from Florida who is a clinical dietitian by day and a YouTube star  by night. Awhile ago when I was doing research on the where registered dietitians get their information about our profession, of course I started with an internet search and Kim Rose was a key part of the results. Kim has a standout presence on YouTube by hosting her own channel filled with informative and educational videos for all things registered dietitian. Her passion for the profession and her creativity radiates in her videos as well as her online presence. She is a massive influe