Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

#140 - Brittani DaSilva, MS, RD



Conversation 140 :  The Story, Journey and Passion of Brittani DaSilva, MS, RD “During my military service, I was taken back by the number of people in the military who were actually overweight. When you think about soldiers, you think about these men and women who are strong and physically fit but what I learned is that there were a lot of people who weren’t at their best health. I started to recognize these people weren’t like that because they chose it, they were like this because they were injured while serving, they had been deployed and were going through stress being separated from their families, or were experiencing PTSD after war and battling these scars inside of them while turning to food for comfort because of the sacrifices they made.” Brittani DaSilva, MS, RD Today’s conversation is with Brittani DaSilva, a registered dietitian, nutrition coach and US Army Veteran  who wants to end the war with diets and food guilt.  Brittani and I connected after she messaged me on about being from Iowa. Britt