Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

#147 - Erin Hendrickson, RDN, LD



Conversation 147:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Erin Hendrickson, RDN, LD “I was at a job where I loved the people I worked with, I just wasn’t fulfilled with the job role. It was one of those - if I don’t quit now, then I am going to waste all this time doing something I’m not passionate about that’s not really giving me a purpose. It was easy to quit and take that time I needed to find myself and figure out the next step.” Erin Hendrickson, RDN, LD Today’s conversation is with Erin Hendrickson, a registered dietitian who has a passion for all things food, corporate wellness and living a more minimalistic life and sharing her journey.  When I embarked upon my #lessstuffmorelife journey a few years ago, Erin was someone I started following on social media. Erin has such a down-to-earth approach to living a life with more re-purpose through experiences and being mindful of food and all kinds of waste. She shares her experiences through the dietetic profession so far and how some crazy twist and turns has