Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

#151 - Brittany Linn, RD, CDN



Conversation 151:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Brittany Linn, RD, CDN “For me, counseling is about putting your heart into it. You’re having a conversation with someone and they keep coming back to you for visits so you’re more involved in their life. It’s more conversation based, it’s more using your counseling skills than just giving someone a calculation. ” Brittany Linn, RD, CDN Today’s conversation is with Brittany Linn, a registered dietitian who has a passion for nutrition counseling as a Ob-Gyn clinic dietitian.  Brittany and I were introduced through a previous podcast guest, Stephanie Dorfman #134 and I am so thrilled she connected us. Brittany has had a great career path so far. As a self proclaimed science nerd, she starting in a specialized care facility knowing her draw to clinical nutrition and then finding her passion for outpatient care, diabetes, gestational diabetes and starting her own private practice specializing in an intuitive eating approach.  Please enjoy my conversation with B