Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

#152 - Christine Palumbo, MBA, RDN, FAND



Conversation 152:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Christine Palumbo, MBA, RDN, FAND “Dietetics has been a perfect career for me. I have a saying I tell my family, close friends and anyone who will listen and that is “the world revolves around dietitians.” Part of it is because I am such a connector of people but also I feel as dietitians we have each others backs, we care for each other and the relationships we develop are genuine. ” Christine Palumbo, MBA, RDN, FAND Today’s conversation is with Christine Palumbo, a registered dietitian who has a passion for serving and helping others, especially other dietitians to develop and advance their careers.  Christine and I were introduced through my production company, Ortman Productions and I couldn't have been more lucky to have this conversation. Christine has an interesting start into the field and really has pioneered her way into outstanding opportunities in clinical dietetics, being an entrepreneur who is passionate about corporate wellness, speaking, vol